If you are wondering how a cowbell became an instrument, you are not alone!
Hobby Name: Playing the cowbell
Why It’s Cool: Unique; Good start into percussion
Alternate Names: Hand percussionist; playing alpine bells
Years to Master: 6 months
Cowbells are worn by roaming livestock so that they can be located if they go missing. But when you take on playing the cowbell as a hobby, you need to learn percussion and rhythm.
Different bells can have varying sounds, each indicating a characteristic of the animal. For example, the bell for a male, female, or pregnant animal, may all sound different!
These unique sounds have made their way into contemporary music. If you eventually want to play the drums, the cowbell can be a great start. The instrument can be shaken or struck with a special stick called a mallet.
Useful Links:
Rhythm Band Steel Cowbell 4.5
Metal School Cowbell – Random Colors
Kids Mini Band Musical Instruments Set